Pre-Authorisation Requirements

Hospitalisation and certain specialised dentistry procedures and treatment must be pre-authorised.

  • International/foreign treatments require pre-authorisation.
  • Pre-authorisation is required for: dentures (six unit or more acrylic (plastic) dentures, cobalt-chrome) Crowns & Bridges, extractions (surgical, impacted, residual roots), implants, orthodontics, inlays, appliances, periodontics, hospital admissions and conscious sedation in the dental rooms.
  • Failure to pre-authorise orthodontic treatment will result in a payment only from date of authorisation for the remaining months of treatment, provided that the treatment is approved as per the managed care protocols.
  • Pre-authorisation does not apply to emergency hospital admission. Invoices must be submitted separately and promptly accompanied by motivation.
  • Pre-authorisation policy and procedures applicable to all schemes and options will be subject to available benefits.
  • Pre-authorisation must be obtained within 48 hours for the following clinical services and will be subject to benefits availability and all required clinical information, before treatment commences.

Pre-authorisation requirements and supporting documentation must be emailed to
Once authorisation is complete, SHSB will send a letter of benefit allocation back to the service provider.


Dental Consultation - Annual check-up

  • Two (2) annual check -ups per beneficiary, one (1) every six months
  • Examination or consultation for a specific problem (tariff code 8104), not requiring charting and treatment planning not within four (4) weeks of (tariff code 8101)


Restorations/fillings (Amalgam and Resin)

  • Restorations/fillings (Amalgam and Resin)
  • Benefits for fillings are available where such fillings are clinically indicated



  • Intra -oral radiographs complete series (8 peri-apicals) not covered (tariff code 8108), except for periodontal treatment;
  • Panoramic radiograph only 1 in six months per beneficiary unless motivated;
  • Infection control (tariff code 8109) only 2 per visit;
  • Local anaesthetic (tariff called 8145) only three (3) per visit.


Preventative Dentistry

  • Scale and polish once every six (6) months (tariff code 8155/8159);
  • Fluoride treatment only members between three (3) and eighteen (18) years (tariff code 8161)
  • Fissure sealant only members between six (6) and sixteen (16) years (tariff code 8163)
  • Fissure sealant limited to permanent molars and pre-molars. Not within Two (2) years of previous treatment.



  • One (1) set of full, or upper, or lower plastic denture every four years, or subject to approval;
  • Relines, Rebase, Soft Base every two (2) years;
  • One partial plastic denture for jaw per beneficiary every four years or subject to approval.


Endodontic therapy (Root Canal Treatment)

  • 4 periapical x-rays covered
  • 8132 to help removal/emergency root canal treatment not allowed on same day as root treatment
  • Direct or indirect pulp capping (tariff code 8301/8303) excluded from benefit;
  • Root canal treatment on primary and wisdom teeth excluded from benefit;

Specialised Dentistry limit as per overall Dental Benefit


Crown & Bridges

  • Benefit for crowns are granted once per tooth per five (5) years



  • Metal frame work every five (5) years
  • Full acrylic dentures every five (5) years
  • Partial acrylic dentures every four (4) years or subject to pre-authorisation



  • Pre-authorisation is required for orthodontic treatment subject to available limited dentistry limit
  • Re-treatment of orthodontics is not covered
  • Loss of appliances, repair, remounting or replacement of fixed orthodontic brackets is not covered



  • For a general dentist, restricted to non-surgical and root planning only


Dental Hospitalization

Pre-authorisation required

  • Subject to Overall Annual Hospital limit per family per annum;
  • Benefit is strictly only for cases of children below ten (10) years - subject to scheme approval;
  • Multiple hospital admissions will not be covered and will only be authorised once in a lifetime, or subject to approval by scheme;
  • No benefit for preventative procedures in hospital (fissure sealant, fluoride treatment and polishing of teeth for children below ten (10) years).


Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery

Pre-authorisation required

  • Subject to Overall Annual Benefit limit per family;
  • Benefit only for removal of symptomatic impacted wisdom teeth (3rd molars) associated with pain and pathology, only if pre-authorised as a day case;
  • Clearly defined radiographs required with authorised submission.