This section provides a comprehensive overview of the Scheme approved Dental Benefits Management, its activities and principles.

SHSB is responsible for the Management of dental benefits, claims, pre- authorisation and enquiries. Utilising internationally accepted clinical parameters ensures appropriate benefits to the members of Medical Aid Schemes.

  • Dental benefits are paid at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff.
  • Dental benefits are subject to Scheme rules and managed care interventions which may include the requirement of treatment plans and/or radiographs prior to benefit application.
  • Scheme Exclusions apply to dental benefits.
  • In the event of a dispute, the Scheme rules will prevail.

Your Dental Benefits



Specialised Dentistry: P8,800
Basic Dentistry: Paid to the Overall Annual limit.



Specialised Dentistry: P7,260
Basic Dentistry: Paid to the Overall Annual limit.



Specialised Dentistry: P3,500
Basic Dentistry: Paid to the Overall Annual limit.



Once every six (6) months per- beneficiary.
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff


X-rays: Intraoral

Intra-oral radiographs complete series (8 peri-apicals)
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff


X-rays: Extra-oral (Full mouth x-ray)

Once every six (6) months per beneficiary.
Additional benefit may be considered where specialised dental treatment is required where 2 extra-oral radiographs may be covered.
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff


Preventative Care

Scale and polish treatments per beneficiary, once every six (6) months.

Benefit for fissure sealants: Limited to beneficiaries up to 14 years

Benefit for fluoride: Professionally applied fluoride limited to beneficiaries younger than age 3,18 years and older.

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Scheme Exclusions:

  • Oral hygiene evaluation
  • Tooth whitening



Benefit for fillings: Granted once per tooth every two (2) years
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff
Scheme Exclusions:

  • Resin bonding for restorations that are charged as a separate procedure to the restoration
  • The polishing of restorations
  • Gold foil restorations


Root Canal Therapy

Benefit subject to scheme rules and managed care protocols
Root canal treatment does not require pre-authorisation but the Invoice should be submitted with pre and post x-rays

Scheme Exclusions:

  • Root canal therapy on primary (milk) teeth, it will only be covered when its pulpotomy
  • A Root canal re-do by the same Practitioner is not covered



Surgical extractions, disimpaction & surgical removal of residual roots should be pre-authorised

Simple extraction does not require an authorisation

Emergency extractions are exempted from authorisation, however Invoices should be submitted with pre x-rays

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff


Plastic Dentures and Associated Laboratory Costs

Full lower, full upper & full mouth dentures are covered every four (4) years, with two (2) repairs allowed in the first two (2) years and the last two (2) years

Partial dentures are covered every three (3) years, only one (1) repair after six (6) months

Pre-authorisation is required for an extra tooth to an existing denture

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Scheme Exclusions:

  • Diagnostic dentures and associated laboratory costs
  • Snoring appliances and associated laboratory costs
  • High impact acrylic
  • The cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil
  • Laboratory delivery fees
  • Provisional dentures and associated laboratory costs



Mouth/ occlusal guard /bite plate
Requires pre-authorisation
Written clinical motivation and quotation
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Space Maintainer
Requires pre-authorisation
Written clinical motivation and quotation
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Specialised Dentistry limit as per overall Dental Benefit


Partial Chrome Cobalt Frame Dentures and Associated Laboratory Costs

Pre-authorisation required

Quotation and & clinical motivation

Partial metal denture frames are limited to one (1) per jaw, i.e. two (2) per beneficiary, within a five (5) year period.

Metal base to partial dentures is limited to one (one) per jaw in a 5-year period.

Repairs to the metal base and replacement of lost dentures are not covered.

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Scheme Exclusions:

  • High impact acrylic
  • The cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil


Crown & Bridge and Associated Laboratory Costs

A bridge comprises two or more crown units. Each crown is payable from the available Dental benefit.

Pre-authorisation required

Quotation, clinical motivation & x-rays

Benefit for crowns is granted once per tooth every five (5) years

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Scheme Exclusions:

  • Crown and bridge procedures for cosmetic reasons
  • Crowns on milk teeth will not be covered
  • Provisional/temporary crowns
  • The cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil


Implants and Associated Laboratory Costs

Pre-authorisation required

The following must be submitted.

  • Detailed quotation
  • Periapical of the specific tooth or teeth area
  • Written clinical motivation
  • Tooth identification

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff



Pre-authorisation required

  • Benefit for orthodontic treatment granted once per beneficiary per lifetime
  • Benefit will not be granted where orthodontic treatment is required for cosmetic reasons.
  • Transferred cases to a next provider - only the balance of the treatment plan will be covered.
  • Members who default from initial treatment plan will not be re-admitted into treatment

The following must be submitted to authorise.

  • Treatment plan
  • Detailed quotation
  • Panoramic radiographs
  • Cephalometric analysis
  • Photographs of face and teeth occlusion from the front and both sides

Non-fixed Orthodontics


Requires pre-authorisation

  • A detailed quotation and OPG radiograph must be submitted

Habit Breaker
Requires pre-authorisation

The following must be submitted:

  • Detailed quotation
  • Written clinical motivation
  • Pictures
  • OPG radiograph

Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

Scheme Exclusions :

  • Orthodontic re-treatment after defaulting from initial treatment plan
  • Invisible retainer material
  • Active aligners
  • Replacement of orthodontic appliances and remounting of orthodontic brackets are not covered.



Pre-authorisation required


Maxillo-facial Surgery and Oral Pathology

Emergency treatments are exempted from pre-authorisation

All hospitalisation treatments are subject to pre-authorisation and clinical appropriateness protocol.

Subject to Overall Annual Benefit limit per family
Covered at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff

In-hospital and specialised dentistry requires pre-authorisation which is obtainable directly from SHSB - failure to pre-authorise either in-hospital or specialist dentistry may result in rejection of claims. Above average benefits are offered for basic dentistry, promoting the dental philosophy of accessible primary care while specialised dentistry is benchmarked against industry and international parametres to evaluate clinical appropriateness before authorisation.



Pre-authorisation required

  • Hospital admission protocols apply
  • Hospitalisation cover is provided for children below the age of 10 years when the treatment envisaged is of such a nature that it cannot be performed without general anaesthesia.
  • Theatre visits for persons above seven (7) years for basic dentistry and extractions will not be covered

The payment of the dental procedure will be dependent on available benefits, and payable at the BPOMAS Dental Tariff


Oral Hygiene/Prevention

  • Oral hygiene instruction
  • Oral hygiene evaluation
  • Tooth whitening
  • Nutritional and tobacco
  • Cost of prescribed toothpastes, mouthwashes and ointments
  • Fissure sealants on patients older than 14 years


Fillings/ Restorations

  • Resin bonding for restorations charged as a separate procedure to the restoration.
  • Polishing of restorations
  • Gold foil restorations


Plastic Dentures/Snoring Appliances/Mouth Guards

  • Diagnostic dentures
  • Snoring appliances
  • High impact acrylic
  • Cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil
  • Provisional/temporary dentures and associated laboratory


Partial Chrome Cobalt Frame Dentures

  • High impact acrylic
  • Cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil


Crown and Bridgework

  • Crown and bridge procedures for cosmetic reasons and the associated laboratory costs
  • Occlusal rehabilitations
  • Provisional/temporary crowns
  • Cost of gold, precious metal, semi-precious metal and platinum foil



  • Porcelain veneers for cosmetic reasons


Crown and Bridgework

  • Orthodontic treatment for cosmetic reasons
  • Orthodontic re-treatment
  • Cost of invisible retainer material