Frequently Asked Questions


  • Cleaning- scale and polish
  • Plastic Dentures
  • Simple Extraction
  • Consultations

  • Orthodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Crowns and Bridges
  • Chrome cobalt/metal based Dentures
  • Hospitals, dentistry done under conscious sedation
  • Extractions
  • Bite plate

  • MVA Fund payment ocurs on a monthly basis
  • BPOMAS payment run occurs every 2 weeks
  • Pulamed payment run occurs on a weekly basis

  • It takes 24hrs when all required documentation is made available to SHSB

  • There’s typically no waiting period for basic dentistry
  • All specialised dentistry procedures are subject to a twelve (12) month waiting period.

  • There’s typically no waiting period for basic dentistry
  • All specialised dentistry procedures are subject to a twelve (12) month waiting period.

  • Hospital cases and orthodontic treatment authorisations are valid for one (1) month and for other procedures validity is six (6) months. (You’re advised to verify benefit availability if procedure is delayed)

  • For BPOMAS and Pulamed, a claim submitted three (3) months after service date is classified as stale and will not be redeemed, processed or re-imbursed.
  • For MVA Fund, a limited claim may not be submitted after 6 months

  • Treatment or procedures that are not covered by the scheme or medical aid. The member is responsible for the total cost for the procedures NOT the scheme.